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1. Description

2. Interface Authentication

Flow HTTP API added signature authentication in 1.7.0. If http_app_key and http_secret_key are set in the configuration file, all requests sent to Flow will need to add the following header

TIMESTAMP: Unix timestamp in milliseconds, e.g. 1634890066095 means 2021-10-22 16:07:46 GMT+0800, note that the difference between this time and the current time of the server cannot exceed 60 seconds

NONCE: random string, can use UUID, such as 782d733e-330f-11ec-8be9-a0369fa972af

APP_KEY: must be consistent with http_app_key in the Flow configuration file

SIGNATURE: signature generated based on http_secret_key and the request parameters in the Flow configuration file

2.1 Signature generation method

  • Combine the following elements in order




request path + query parameters, if there are no query parameters then the final ?, such as /v1/job/submit or /v1/data/upload?table_name=dvisits_hetero_guest&namespace=experiment

If Content-Type is application/json, then it is the original JSON, i.e. the request body; if not, this item is filled with the empty string

If Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, all parameters need to be sorted alphabetically and urlencode, refer to RFC 3986 (i.e. except a-zA-Z0-9- . _~), note that the file does not participate in the signature; if not, this item is filled with the empty string

  • Concatenate all parameters with the newline character \n and encode them in ASCII.

  • Use the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm to calculate the binary digest using the http_secret_key key in the Flow configuration file

  • Encode the binary digest using base64

2.2. Example

You can refer to the signature method of Fate SDK or the proofreading method of Fate Flow ( for the checksum method

2.3. Error codes

400 Bad Request request body has both json and form

401 Unauthorized Missing one or more header(s)

400 Invalid TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP could not be parsed

425 TIMESTAMP is more than 60 seconds away from the server time The TIMESTAMP in the header is more than 60 seconds away from the server time

401 Unknown APP_KEY header in APP_KEY does not match http_app_key in the Flow configuration file

403 Forbidden Signature verification failed

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